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Linux Basic Command | Learn With Pirates

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Chapter 3: Linux Basic Command

Hello and welcome back to the course. today we discuss some Linux command that helps us to make our task easy. I make this course for beginners so if you already know how to use Linux you can skip this part. 

Linux Terminal Command

In all the Linux based system you can do all the work from this powerful terminal.


pwd stands for the present working directory it shows which directory you work at the time. it prints the full path of your working directory.


lsls -la # show all the informationls /path to show filesls /home # show home directory files
ls stands for a long list. ls command shows how many files are listed in the directory. ls -la is a command that shows all the basic information of files. you can show permission and show all the hidden file in the folder.


In this section, we make a directory and change the directory with cd.

mkdir demo     # make directory cd demo        # change directory cd /path       # you go diectly with currect path cd ..          # for one step back to the file path nano demo.txt  # make file
You can make one file that name demo.txt with the nano command. 
Write as you wish and after you have to write with ctrl+o and enter. 


cat demo.txt
We show what is in the file with the cat command. You can copy the file into your device home file system with this command.


mv demo.txt /home/device/Download  # move to Downloadmv demo.txt /home/device/jay.txt   #rename 
You can rename with the mv command. you can also move file with the same command.
You can show the file permission


chmod +x jay.txt--- --- ---o   g   e     o= file owner              g= group member
              e= for all

r (read) = 4 w (write) = 2 x (execute) = 1 no permissions = 0# you can write as chmod 777 [file name] #give all the permissionchmod 600 #give permissionn to owner read and write else give                  nothing

We change permission using chmod command with options.


rm -r jay.txtYou can remove any file in on any pathrm -r [path]

We can remove the file with the rm command.


man cp

The man command is amazing in Linux. the man command helps to how to use all command basically that guide how to use command.


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Building Your Environment | Ethical Hacking From Scratch

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Chapter 2:Building Your Environment

Ok, let go to the next step in this step we make the virtual environment for this course. how you can make it on your system. we make a Kali Linux virtual machine.

Download Software

In this we install VMware. Download from the official website. 

Locate the download file and install it with this command.

Locate in apps and open it.

Create a new machine and now you follow this step and make an environment in your system.

Click on Create a new machine

Choose iso file of the Kali Linux 
Declare the type of OS

Allot size for virtual environment
Quick overview of machine

Start installation Kali Linux

Starting installation on Kali Linux. choose language
Select location
Keyboard type

Set up a user account
Set password for user
Partition disk for installation
Select drive

Starting install base system.
Choose software as your wish.
Configure grub loader
Set up grub installation location 
Login with your credential on your kali machine.


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Ethical Hacking Terminology 1.2 | Ethical Hacking From Scratch

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Chapter 1.2: Ethical Hacking Terminology

First of all, I will introduce 

Types Of A Hacker

  • White hat hacker
  • Grey hat hacker
  • Black hat hacker

White hat hacker 

A white-hat hacker is a good guy who finds a vulnerability on the system and reports to that particular organization for fixing them. in this course, we learn a thing as a white-hat hacker. it a fully legally process of hacking.

Grey hat hacker

A grey hat hacker is a border between a white hat or a black hat. grey hat hacker is always bordering between legal or illegal. 

Black hat hacker

Black hat hacker is defined as people is doing a thing without respect any law and permission of the owner. usually when people listen, hacker, they think a little bit about the black hat hackers.


Footprinting is a process you gain information about the server, server IP, what service running on the server, which port is open as well closed. 


Denial Of Service

Denial of service attack is leading to track down the server and make server or service unavailable for the user. 

For example, you have one ubuntu server that handles 10000 requests at a time. in the DOS attack, the attacker makes 10000+ request on the server from the software or any method. it a casual thing that your server is not handling this request and the server is crash for the actual user.


Distributed Denial Of Service

Distributed Denial of Service is similarly to DOS but here the attacker is attacking too many machines and control as remote then attack the server. DDOS is more effective than DOS. 


Fully Undetectable 

In this field, it more effective than you exploit can not detect to the victim machine or they antivirus. there was you need to make a fully undetectable exploit or payload for the access of the victim machine.


Remote Administration Tool

It piece of code that create backdoor on the victim machine and gain access to the victim system. you can send them to the victim and one time execute. that file makes a backdoor for you into the victim machine. you can send whatever method like e-mail, USB or anything.


A rootkit is to hide information from a running process on the system. when the victim is compromised you need to install a root-kit tool for maintaining access to the victim.

For example, you have to install an exploit on the victim system when the victim running the system taskbar they show the services that not show before in past. in this way you need to install some other exploit you retired request of the victim to tool kit and they respond, they are noting to running.  


Phishing is one type of social engineering attack on the victim. in this attack, the victim is shown an email in the inbox. they click on the email link and they redirect to banking or any attacker site but they do not recognise this site is trusted or not and give some confidential credential to the site. 

This is not happening today. Today the attacker changes the victim DNS server to redirect the unconfirmed host and gain credential about the victim.

SQL Injections

SQL Injections is one of the most effective vulnerabilities on sites. SQL injections is a process to make SQL query on the server and they respond to some data that store on the server.


A virtual private network is a term to hide on the internet. if you are connecting to the VPN every request of your system going through VPNs. VPN is secure but rather the VPN provider is not compromised your data.   


Proxies are similar to the VPN but less secure. in this your network is a route to the internet and after your request will process. There are many free proxies is available on the market but they are very slow to use. Even you use paid proxies it chance that you make a footprint on the network and catch.


It an open source way to hide on the internet. Tor is faster than proxies. you can surf more reliable way with tor.  


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Introduction To Ethical Hacking 1 | Ethical Hacking From Scratch

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Chapter 1: Introduction To Ethical Hacking 

What is Ethical Hacking?

Is it a very interesting thing that hacking with ethics? Ethical hacking is the good side of hacking that provide protection against bad guys. An ethical hacker is trying to exploit the system in many ways and report the company to fix that vulnerability and secure his system. 

Why Company Hire A Hacker?

every company want that they do not compromise system security, therefore they hirer hacker to exploit the system and find bug and vulnerability they can damage system in future. if the hacker finds a bug and exploits the system they pay for this. This amount pay across your exploitation weight. weight means how they affect the system security and compromise the data.

Course Overview 

In this course, I will teach you how to penetrate the system, exploit the system, break the system, compromise routers, etc. after you finish the course, you will be able to make serious damage in the real world. so that time I will make some clearance about it, it not legally that you can damage system that is not yours and without written permission of the owner, it illegally activity. I am strongly against that thing and everything that lead to against law. 

I recommend using this information for educational purposes only if you do some activity I am not responsible for. I hope you understand well. 

Some Information 

if you see the movies hacking seen. they go to the terminal and type some code or attack the system and boom! they get system access. this is totally the reverse of the real the real world, it not possible. people are passing much sleepless night to exploit the system and access the system. 


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Python Loops 7 | Learn With Pirates

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Python Loops 7 | Learn With Pirates

Chapter 7: Python Loops

In programming when you have the same task perform multiple time like you want to multiplication table for any number can you write several line code for multiplication. 
Here this stage python has some loop concept that helps us to complete the repeated task at once. 

Type of loops in Python

Mainly the python has two types of loops
  • for
  • while
We will cover one by one in this tutorial.

While loop

While loop is executed while the condition is true. after the condition is false they stop and exit from the program.
i = 0
while i<8:
print("Hello " + str(i))
i = i + 1


Hello 0
Hello 1
Hello 2
Hello 3
Hello 4
Hello 5
Hello 6
Hello 7

For Loop

A for loop is used to iterate through a sequence like a list, tuple or string
Range function in python
i= 0
for i in range(0, 10):


The range function used for the generated sequence of number. we can define the start point and endpoint.

Break Statment

for i in range(100):
if i == 7:
print("This is inside else of for")


The break is used to come out of the loop when encountered it instruction the program to. exit the loop now.

Continue statement

for i in range(9):
if i == 7:


Continue is used to stop the current iteration of the loop and continue with the next one it instructs the program to "Skip this iteration".

Pass statement 

i = 4
if i>0:

while i>6:

print("Pirates are Great")

Pirates are Great

Pass is a null statement in python it instructs to "Do nothing"


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Python Condition Expressions 6 | Learn With Pirates

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Python Condition Expressions | Learn With Pirates

Chapter 6: Python Condition Expressions

Conditions in Python

When you login into your social media account's you need to put the correct credential on the portal.
in this case, if your password is not correct they give the statement "please input correct condition". 
so these decisions depend on a condition. In python we able to program with conditions.  

if, else and elif in Python

if (a==7):
print("Great number")
print("Much Great Number")

Much Great Number
You can see in the example how to use these conditions.

Some operators the use in Python
age = int(input("Enter your age: "))
work_Ex = 4
if(age>18 or work_Ex<56):
print("You can work with us")

print("You cannot work with us")

Enter your age: 19
You can work with us

Relation Operators

Relation operators are used to evaluating conditions inside the if statement. some examples of the relational operator are:
Relational Operator

== #equals
>= #Grater than/ equal to
<= #Less then
!= #Not Equals To

logical Operators

In python logical operator operates on conditional statements example:
Logical Operator
and #Use for both are True
or #One are True
not #invert True to flase

elif condition:

What happens when you have three or more condition how you use if statement: that case you can use with elif
a= int(input("enter number: "))
if (a==0):
print("The value of is 0")
print("The valuse of number is nagative")
print("The Value of number is positive ")

enter number: 6
The Value of number is positive


  • You can declare elif number of you can.
  • last else is execute only if all the if and elif statement fails.


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Python Dictionary and Set 5 | Learn With Pirates

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Python Dictionary and Set | Learn With Pirates

Chapter 5: Python Dictionary and Set's

Dictionary in Python

Dictionary is a collection of key and value pair in python.
The syntax for the dictionary:
Pirates_Dic = {
	"Name": "Pirates",
	"Os" : "Linux",




Properties of Dictionaries

It unordered
It mutable
It indexed
It, not cantine duplicate keys

Dictionaries Methods


# Dictionary Methods
Pirates_Dic = {
    "Name": "Pirates",
    "Os" : "Linux",
    "Random": {'home':'hotel'},
print(list(Pirates_Dic.keys())) # Prints the keys of the dictionary #1
print(Pirates_Dic.values()) # Prints the keys of the dictionary #2
print(Pirates_Dic.items()) # Prints the (key, value) for all contents of the dictionary  #3
print(Pirates_Dic) #4
print(Pirates_Dic.get("Os")) # Prints value associated with key "Os" #5

#update Dic

updateDict = {
    "CyberMentor": "Friend",
    "Oday": "Friend",
    "LA": "Friend",
    "Members": "A Family"
Pirates_Dic.update(updateDict) # Updates the dictionary by adding key-value pairs from updateDict                                 
print(Pirates_Dic) #6
print(Pirates_Dic.get("LA")) # Prints value associated with key Updated value "LA" #7

['phone', 'Random', 'Os', 'Name', 1] #1

['Android', {'home': 'hotel'}, 'Linux', 'Pirates', 2] #2

[('phone', 'Android'), ('Random', {'home': 'hotel'}), 
('Os', 'Linux'), ('Name', 'Pirates'), (1, 2)] #3

{'phone': 'Android', 'Random': {'home': 'hotel'}, 
'Os': 'Linux', 'Name': 'Pirates', 1: 2} #4

Linux #5
{1: 2, 'Name': 'Pirates', 'LA': 'Friend', 'Random': {'home': 'hotel'}, 'phone': 'Android', 'Oday': 'Friend', 'Members': 'A Family', 'CyberMentor': 'Friend', 'Os': 'Linux'} #6

Friend #7


Set in Python

Set is a collection of  element
If you are not families with the set take it as a data type that contains a unique value. 
#set in Python
a = {1, 3, 4, 5, 1}

type 'set'
set([1, 3, 4, 5])           

Properties of Set

Set is unorder
Set are unindexed
Once you make a set there is no chance to manipulate them
The set can not con

Set Methods

#set Properties
# Creating an empty set
a = set()

## Adding values to an empty set
a.add(5) # Adding a value repeatedly does not changes a set
a.add((4, 5, 6))

## Accessing Elements
# a.add({4:5}) # Cannot add list or dictionary to sets

## Length of the Set
print(len(a)) # Prints the length of this set

## Removal of an Item
a.remove(5) # Removes 5 fromt set a
# a.remove(15) # throws an error while trying to remove 15 (which is not present in the set)


type 'set'>
set([(4, 5, 6), 4, 5])
set([(4, 5, 6), 4])
(4, 5, 6)



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